Ватиканская апостольская библиотека - лат. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana - библиотека в Ватикане, обладающая богатейшим собранием рукописей средневековья и эпохи Возрождения. Библиотека, основанная в XV веке папой Николаем V, постоянно пополняется, и в настоящее время её фонды насчитывают около 1 600 000 печатных книг, 150 000 манускриптов, 8 300 инкунабул, более 100 000 гравюр и географических карт, 300 000 монет и медалей. К библиотеке относится Ватиканская школа библиотекарей и лаборатория по реставрации и воспроизведению важных манускриптов.
From the fourth century onwards there is evidence of the Scrinium of the Roman Church, which was both a library and an archive. The figure of the Bibliothecarius of the Roman Church appears at the end of the eighth century: this title was given to the Librarian Theophylactus in a document dated to 784, under Pope Adrian I. The earliest library and archive of the Popes were dispersed, for reasons which are still not well known, in the first half of the thirteenth century.
New collections gathered by the Popes of that century, the description of which may still be read in an inventory made under Boniface VIII (1294-1303), were moved after Boniface’s death first to Perugia, then to Assisi, and finally to Avignon, with serious losses along the way. In Avignon, John XXII (1316-1334) began to gather a new library, parts of which made their way into the collection of the Borghese family in the seventeenth century and from there back to the Holy See in 1891. Read more
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