GeSWall is intrusion prevention system that is non-intrusive and easy to use. With GeSWall, you can safely surf the web, use e-mail, chat, exchange files etc, regardless of the security threats posed by the Internet. GeSWall is a required supplementary to your anti-virus, anti-spyware and personal firewall as it blocks unknown threats missed by those solutions. Anti-virus, anti-spyware and personal firewall are particularly good to find and remove known viruses, trojuns and spy-ware. However they fail in front of unknown mal-ware, targeted intrusions and zero-day attacks. GeSWall prevents unknown or missed threats while anti-virus would detect and remove particular mal-ware traces when it is aware of them.
Разработчик: GentleSecurity Sarl Размер: 6,34 Mбайт. Freeware Имеется средство контроля буквально за каждым процессом, такое, например, как утилита GeSWall 2.9.0 Freeware. Многие программы, в том числе браузеры, изначально внесены в ее список. По умолчанию в случае запуска таких приложений GeSWall 2.9.0 Freeware предложит изолировать им доступ к персональным данным пользователя.
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