Мизерикорды - это не те, которые кинжалы, а оригинальное читерское устройство. Мизерикорд - это меленькая полочка на обратной стороне откидного стула в церкви или, чаще всего, именно на хорах. Службы в Средние века были долгие, монахам приходилось выстаивать многие часы, ну или петь стоя. Ноги от таких упражнений просто отваливаются. Поэтому какая-то добрая душа придумала мизерикорды. На них можно было опереться или украдкой присесть во время долгого стояния. Даже такое олегчение приходилось очень кстати. Неудивительно, что их название происходит от слова "милосердие."
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Misericords in British Churches
Similarly to British Cathedrals, many misericords were destroyed after the Civil War, and a few in Victorian era. Although I can find no valid defence for the vandalism of the Civil War & Commonwealth eras, I have to say that the 11th or 12th century man in the street was probably horrified by the early Norman / Romanesque architecture, as was the 13th centurion with the introduction of Gothic.
The only difference is that these were pushing the boundaries forward, whilst the Victorians were going for an idealized past, without any research into what it really was like. I suspect that the lack of research saved most of the misericords, for if the Victorians had realised that misericords were there to aid the weak, who should have behaved better, I’m sure that the misericords would have been removed as unbecoming to the medieval ideal. Read more